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Monday, February 22, 2010

A day in the life of me..(Ok well maybe not a day but you get the idea)

Lets see where to begin...I suppose i should start from the beginning that may help :) ... . Let go back to the happiest day of my life..Wait..I know what you are thinking and no im not going to say "ONE of the happiest days of my life" It was THE happiest days of my life..I mean..er..uh..i LOVE my husband but my wedding day does not compare to July 23.2007. It started off as any other day does..Get up (extremely pregnant may i add) to pee..Yes i said pee..Well boy oh boy was i in for it..I stood up and what happened my water broke. FML! Are you kidding me..Now i won't go into details... but oh man.. So to the hospital we go..Now im sure everyone wants the details right? Right? Well ill spare you and just get it over with..The delivery day that is :) Kingston Kash came into this world at 5:57pm and Kane Karter followed shortly after at 5:59pm. They weighed 5lbs 12oz and 5lbs 6oz.Boy were they big..For me that is..Come on i know you mamas of 8+lb babies are getting pretty upset at me but i felt like a BUS..And not just any bus but a gosh da*mn grey hound! They were born healthy and went home after only 4 short days in the hospital...Lets jump ahead a few months..(and really i promise you aren't missing much) Well...er..uh i mean you are, but nothing other than the feedings 3 times a night(heres a good visual for you. imagine breastfeeding 2 babies at once in the dark. Ya i know HARDCORE right!! and yes i like to toot my own horn) and countless hours of sleep missed and blah blah blah BLAH..I promise it isn't that exciting...We hit our first mile stone at 2mo and that was rolling over..Which Kane did first. Our second was at 7mo and that was sitting up. 10mo was crawling and i believe they starting walking at 13 or 14 mo. From there things got easier and more difficult. The challenges from day to day changed. We stopped breastfeeding at 12mo(wait..really did i just say WE) Well what i meant to say is the "boys" stopped..HALAULA (Insert angles singing)From there on out we were buying a whole lot of baby food!!! (How sad i literally just lost my train of thought? really come on!!) So i suppose that takes us to where we are now..Lets see two and potty training..Well that is a whole other story for tomorrow..Yes i said tomorrow..I will "TRY" and i said TRY to write everyday..I tend to forget.. So if you are asking yourself"What in the "F"(come on do i really need to spell the whole word out..for those of you saying "huh?" it is the word you say when you stub your toe) is this blog about?" Well let me answer that question for you. It is about the trials and struggles and also the happiest most loving moments in my life! With a little bit of "whine whine whine" thrown in from time to time :) I will also share my struggles of being a housewife..Or as my husband calls me a "Mexi-Cant" ha ha ha very funny.....So until we meet again..er..or uh write again? remember Jesus loves you! HIYOOO!!! (No but really he does).....

Bernie Ru
yes its a nickname..From my auntie(insert aaaaaaawwwwwwww) ;)


  1. Send me your email address on facebook and I will add you to my blog followers. I love blogging about Mila; it's kind of like a baby book and I go back and reread it all the time.

  2. I am very excited to read about the boys daily life! =0)

  3. hehehe funny girl...TMI but hey whats new!?! I love reading about your daily trials and tribulations wait I already hear it form your mouth now I have to read it too OH BOY AM I GOOD FRIEND OR WHAT...wink wink nudge nudge

  4. Lol K you crack me up!!! And yes you are the best friend ever!!! ;)
